Here is a collection of Q&A received from members of the TeamCrafters Discord:
Easy, click the button below to go to the official site and sign in with your EA account. IMPORTANT: Make sure you are not signed in to CFB25 or it is known to cause errors!
Team Builder siteThis is something out of my control, but I can try and make sure you have the best experience possible. Make sure you are following these tips:
For most FCS teams I have a decent import ready with commonly used logos, all transparent and ready to go!
Search TeamsPaint for Windows 11 has a background removal tool, which I have personally been waiting for! To use it, just open your image and click the icon of the person in front of the striped lines. (2nd icon column, at very bottom). MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR IMAGE AS PNG.
Lunapic is an OG online image editor, to remove a background first load your image and go to Edit, Transparent Background (all the way at bottom). Select any piece of the background then adjust the slider to what works best. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR IMAGE AS PNG.
LunapicThere are some Gen-AI tools that can help you with BG removal as well. The reason I recommend it as these are often the fastest and produce the best results. I recommend (they also helped power the AI player-portraits). Of all Gen-AI as a service providers, they are the fastest and cheapest. Here are 2 background removal models they offer:
If you are uploading an image, MAKE SURE THE IMAGE IS ACTUALLY A PNG. If it is not a native PNG it will fail, see the section above about adding transparent logos if you need help. If you can save your team, save it now so you can go back to it!
Reload the page and try again, usually this means an error on the server side. The Team Builder site is very busy at launch!
This website is not affiliated with Electronic Arts or any subsidiaries (including EA Sports), the NFL, NCAA, or any related or similar entities. This is a community-ran platform made to promote content creation and sharing in video games. EA Sports College Football 25 (CFB 25) and Madden NFL are properties of their respective rightholders (not Another app by Jerry Trosclair